
Photo Credit: Martha Agan

The Friends of Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the preservation of land for migratory birds and local wildlife at Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge.

Your tax deductible donation will help us…

  • Increase public awareness of the needs and benefits of the Refuge for coastal reiliency now and for future generations

  • Advocate for education about local and national environmental concerns

  • Organize volunteer work including trail maintenance, marsh cleanup, greenhouse activities, and Refuge visitor programming

  • Engage our local communities through programs and events to address climate change impacts

  • Build partnerships to raise funds and assist with staffing support needs

  • Create a nature store for Refuge outreach

  • Advocate for funding to protect important wildlife habitat

Membership Levels

Blackpoll Warbler $15
Least Tern $30
New England Cottontail $60
Piping Plover $100
Saltmarsh Sparrow $250
Other $_______

Benefits of all levels include a 10% discount at the future Visitor Center Nature Store, invitations to special events and programs, tax deductions and meeting like-minded nature enthusiasts who also contribute to the health of Maine’s coastal salt marshes and estuaries.

Become a Friend today!